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Labs-Bio safety labs
Labs-Bio safety labs
There are certain work spaces in which hazardous and dangerous airborne contaminants needs to be handled by staff directly and these personnel come in close proximity of these hazardous particles. Such environments and labs may be related to research and development activity which helps in overall progress and wellbeing of human beings. A good example for such activity will be development of vaccines, research in oncology medicines, TB labs. The researcher may handle these substances within a bio-safety cabinet while the whole environment where these activities take place will be within a Cleanroom environment. These labs may also produce and handle molecular and gas phase contaminants.
How effectively harmful contaminants are prevented from entering the airstream depends on the performance of installed air filters. We mean not only the terminal Hepa filters but the air filters coming inside the facilities including pre, medium and fine filters. Thus, properly selected air filters will create a barrier to prevent ultra-fine dust particles from entering the labs and process clean zone area. Apter also produce Bag-in-Bag-out filter systems for critical clean air performance places to prevent humans from coming in contact with Bio-hazard organism and particles.